Basking in the chimeric rays of Leo

Welcome once again to the Den, lots have been happening since the last blog post.

Leo season kicked off with multiple workings which have kept me pretty busy in and out of the office, from ceremonial tattooing, amulet crafting, conjurations and celebrations, also completion of projects kept on the works for quite some time.

Here is a shot taken by a dear friend during a ritualized ceremonial tattoo session

New releases!

- Conjured skulls-

Familiar/ assistant, a sentinel spirit conjure into a red Sawo wooden skull, loaded with a mixture of powders, herbs, oils, waxes, and different types of metals. The skulls have been washed in different types of holy water, then built with the assistance of patron spirits I work with, empowered with different planetary aspects capable of aiding in matters of protection, a boost of luck at games of chance, aid in spiritual connection and communion, aid uncrossing conditions, money attraction and road opening, etc. I began this project alongside with mama Starr Casas from Old Style Conjure at the beginning of this year, working alongside my mentor on this project has been an amazing experience. 

The spirit in the skull is great for entry level experience sorcerer to advanced, rooted in conjure practice but adaptable to other types of sorcery the important key is communication and building a good relationship, there are only 8 skulls available at $140 with free shipping within the US.

-Elk of cunning.

An Elk hoof packed with a mixture of powders, materia magica, dirt, ashes, and special herbs, capable of aiding in matters of success, business growth, opening roads, attraction, prosperity, victory, a boost of personal charm, enhancement of psychic gift such as spiritual sight, enhancement of intuition.

These hoofs are great for anyone in business of any kind, sales or office, service industry, etc. there are only 10 hoofs available at a price of $120 with free shipping within the US

-Horns of Baphomet.

A goat horn packed with numerous herbs, a mixture of powders, flowers, dirts of specific points of power, oils and other magica materia. Summoning Baphomet into the horns and boosting the magical load within to empower them, the horns work great as either a focal point of communion with Baphomet on your altar or you can carry with you as an amulet.

The goat horns have been a project on the works for almost a year now, my personal practice with Baphomet inspired me on the crafting of them, as an amulet it aids as a booster of charisma, booster of good luck, aid in spirit communication and intuition, a communion point with Baphomet, an aid to your spell work, aimed for personal empowerment and enjoyment of earthly pleasures. There are 9 horns made and only 8 will be available at a price of $150 with free shipping within the US.

In the back burner are also other projects slowly bubbling, another Quimbanda- Thai sorcery fusion, a couple of new oils coming to their final stages.

A reminder that most of the works done are in small batches, in part to better focus the energy and securing the sorcery summoned into each piece. Each new release is done in small numbers, and once they are sold out they are fully sold out.

The release for these pieces is for Monday at 9pm and they will be available at the online store only.

That is it for now, hope to catch you all on the next one!


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