Basking in the chimeric rays of Leo
Welcome once again to the Den, lots have been happening since the last blog post. Leo season kicked off with multiple workings which have kept me pretty busy in and out of the office, from ceremonial tattooing, amulet crafting, conjurations and celebrations, also completion of projects kept on the works for quite some time. Here is a shot taken by a dear friend during a ritualized ceremonial tattoo session New releases! - Conjured skulls- Familiar/ assistant, a sentinel spirit conjure into a red Sawo wooden skull, loaded with a mixture of powders, herbs, oils, waxes, and different types of metals. The skulls have been washed in different types of holy water, then built with the assistance of patron spirits I work with, empowered with different planetary aspects capable of aiding in matters of protection, a boost of luck at games of chance, aid in spiritual connection and communion, aid uncrossing conditions, money attraction and road opening, etc. I began this project alongside with ma...