Kata and conjure./ Kata y Conjuración.
+++ Español abajo+++ Kata… does it matter? Multiple times I’ve been asked if the kata is of any importance when receiving an amulet, and if it’s okay to carry an amulet without ever saying the kata at all, followed by wonder on the meaning of the kata. I want to address this subject from my point of view, and hope to shed some light on the matter. Before jumping straight to the kata, let’s take a look at conjure, a popular practice known as “Hoodoo”. During my training in conjure, I dove head first into petitions and with practice and time, I began involving short passages from the Bible to chant over conjurations, something that was nudged by spirit, to cut the passages into abbreviations to condense the passage into a shorter chant, unlike spoken spells that usually rhyme, this called for repetition until my mind went clear and I could feel the energy rising, or a spirit enter the space to assist the work. After sometime of this practice and research, I came across the story and work...