
Showing posts from May, 2021

East and west esoteric fusion. --// Fusión esotérica del Este y Occidente.

  Manticore's Den continues to grow, not only in size and magical products, but with collaborations between Thai sorcery by Ajarn Wutkongmon (I call him Ajarn"Wu") and myself (Gary Noriyuki) and my arsenal of magical inventions rooted in a mixture of the practices I study such as Conjure and elemental sorcery. It's been an adventure full of many hours of conversation between Ajarn and myself in order to begin understanding the way we worked things magically and our approaches to spiritual work, charm and amulet making happen to be similar, with this in mind we began talking about potential collaborations and quickly these have began their journey into reality. while our secret projects are on the works, here is a small interview for you to see what Ajarn has to say. Interview with Ajarn Wutkongmon. You have an artistic touch for the all the amulets you make, has art been always part of your life?   Ajarn Wu: yes, since I was a child, I remember always ...

Magical shower set review.--- (Revision de juegos de baño mágicos.)

  A month after collaborating. It’s been a fun time to work in collaboration with Lady malandra  on the giveaway “Blast of confidence”, and enough time for me to try first hand the shower set and provide with a review. Shower me with confidence! When I first received this shower set, I felt in love with the feeling it emanates.  What a way to make a shower experience a magical one, in this busy world we live in, sometimes there’s no time to make full on spiritual baths, well this is where this shower set shines at.   Providing with the ability to clear the energy picked up during the day, dispose the bad and enhance that confidence needed to push forward in your plans. I noticed right away an extra spark of energy and through the week as I worked with this shower set, I noticed that mental focus was enhanced, I could smell the fragrance of the shower set and it would remind me of such an awesome refreshing feeling and would then re-light my fire of confidence, even m...