
Showing posts from January, 2021

Alligator claw as amulet./ Garra de lagarto como amuleto.

+++++(Español en la parte baja.)+++++ Alligator claw as amulet.   over the years that I have been practicing conjure (widely known as "Hoodoo" in most of the Americas), I have previously worked with this type of amulets in the personal level and for clients, I’ve also seen their use in many other practices rapidly growing, but we will address Conjure here.   Usually in the Conjure/Hoodoo world, we can find this amulet’s mention in books, or widely available claws in occult/spiritual stores, antique shops, etc., it is believed that carrying this type of charm can bring good luck, money and protection to the person who carries it. In general, this claw can be seen in necklaces, small packets composed of herbs and many other forms depending on the knowledge and experience of the conjurer/sorcerer.  myth that stirs the use of this claws into practice in North America is based on stories and legends that vary depending on the state or region / culture, usually linked to a stor...

Polvos, Chispas de lumbre y trabajos en equipo. (Edition en español)

¿Qué se está cocinando en el estudio? Antes de que 2020 llegara a su fin, se me ocurrió una idea sobre el tema de las relaciones íntimas. Discutí esto con la maquilladora Ela Grace para colaborar en esta idea y plasmarla en un proyecto. Mientras juntamos nuestras cabezas para diseñar un paisaje de polvos, aromas y herramientas para encantar y mejorar la belleza y la atracción, hicimos una lluvia de ideas que se harian luego realidad.   2021 ha comenzado y con él se han iniciado nuevos proyectos. Con la rápida velocidad del año avanzando y febrero a la vuelta de la esquina, hemos estado poniendo en marcha nuestra colaboración y pronto anunciaremos pedidos de antemano. El trabajo de dos artistas que se unen y fusionan el conocimiento personal de la belleza y el encanto, brindando capacidades de conjurar y aprovechar su potencial oculto en el ámbito del romance.   Nuevos lanzamientos de aceites, polvos y amuletos. 2020 dio espacio para la práctica y el desarrollo de aceites y pol...

Dust, ember spark and teamwork. (English edition)

  Before 2020 came to an end, an idea came to mind on the subject of intimate relationships. I discussed this with makeup artist, Ela Grace in order to collaborate on this idea and manifest it into a project. While partnering heads to lay out a landscape of powders, scents and tools to enchant and enhance beauty and attraction, we brainstormed. 2021 has begun and with-it new projects have been started. With the fast speed of the year moving forward and February being around the corner, we have been getting the ball rolling on our collaboration and will announce pre-orders soon. The work of two artists coming together and merging personal knowledge of beauty and enchantment bringing capabilities of conjure and harnessing your hidden potential in the realm of romance. New releases of oils, powders, and charms.  2020 gave room for practice and development of oils and powders, most put to the test by me and trusted friends. In the ever-growing spiritual practices currently overta...

Spiritual Cleansings, What they are and what they can do for you!

Let’s talk Spiritual cleansing, what they are, what they do, and where you can find them depending on cultural background and the blending of our everyday lives, as mundane human beings or as Spiritual practitioners. What is a spiritual cleansing? A spiritual cleansing is basically a way to clean our spirit and removing any attachment of negativity clinging on to us, through a process of petitions, brushing of candles, Herbs, smokes, waters, oils, etc. The tools to perform a spiritual cleansing are a bit different depending on tradition, spiritual practice, and culture. The main job is to remove negativity from our body and spirit, which if not taken care of could lead to serious mental, emotional and even physical manifestations of ailments, sickness, and causing what’s known as “bad luck”, where things seem to go wrong at every turn you take. Everyday we walk, work, interact with people, drive or ride along in the public transportation minding our own business, we go home, take a sho...

Ancestral Veneration

As   an up and coming occultist from the ground up back in 2012 I had no idea where to begin with, from buying books, small candles and a few herbs here and there to experiment this new path I had chosen to walk only with the direction found in books. Back then I had no idea the importance of looking back at where I was from, nor the lineage I come from, nor how to pay my respects to my dead, it was not only after I came along and met my Conjure teacher Mama Starr from “Old Style Conjure”, that I began learning the importance of ancestral veneration as a first step when getting into an occult practice/ folk-magical tradition in order to establish the first step in spirit contact. It was here where I had found one of the practices which I completely value the most now, my relationship and ancestor shrine started very simple and small, and over time it grew with new items offered to them which hold sentimental value and resonate with their own beliefs, further down the line, I had an...