
Basking in the chimeric rays of Leo

Welcome once again to the Den, lots have been happening since the last blog post. Leo season kicked off with multiple workings which have kept me pretty busy in and out of the office, from ceremonial tattooing, amulet crafting, conjurations and celebrations, also completion of projects kept on the works for quite some time. Here is a shot taken by a dear friend during a ritualized ceremonial tattoo session New releases! - Conjured skulls- Familiar/ assistant, a sentinel spirit conjure into a red Sawo wooden skull, loaded with a mixture of powders, herbs, oils, waxes, and different types of metals. The skulls have been washed in different types of holy water, then built with the assistance of patron spirits I work with, empowered with different planetary aspects capable of aiding in matters of protection, a boost of luck at games of chance, aid in spiritual connection and communion, aid uncrossing conditions, money attraction and road opening, etc. I began this project alongside with ma

Quimbanda/ Thai necromancy fusion patuá.

Happy to announce the project I’ve been secretly working on alongside ajarn Apichai. It’s been about a year and a half now since we began formulating ways to blend our practices into an amulet form, Quimbanda and Thai Necromancy  Bouncing ideas on how to proceed with an amulet which accepted both practices and with little taboo around it, consulting with spirits and elders on this idea, I soon found myself collecting the necessary ingredients and setting this project to move forward with a one of a kind amulet, put together by two priests of each practices. Apichai with Thai- sorcery and myself as a Tata in Quimbanda, we have produced a crossroads of necromantic sorcery accessible to anyone, both initiated or not. Fusion patuá medallion. The Amulet is a key and tool to work with for learning of academic and magical studies, helping with the development of psychic gifts you might possess but specially good for working with magic involving spirits, adds a layer of protection against spir

Mojo hand, small batches.

As most of you know my base knowledge is conjure as it’s taught to me by mama Starr from Old Style Conjure.     Recently I visited Texas, family and friends, I got a private class with mama on doll making which refreshed my mind and got me on the mood to go back to basics so to speak. With a renewed spirit, I felt inspired to work on traditional amulets and began working on these mojos aimed to be a crown of success. One of course can find multiple styles and colors on the web, but I wanted to keep things as they were taught to me, so I began working with my patron spirits after a couple of offerings, formulating a recipe for the mixture load and ways of empowering these amulets. Soon enough, I found myself hand stitching and praying each bag getting them all ready to make a batch of mojos, activating herbal elements to be added to the mixture and a collection of oils and powders added as well. With completion of crafting these bags, I took multiple days of working daily over these, wi

Conjure takrut, an amulet of attraction & enchantment, Lust is in the air.

(Blessings the takruts) Last year I began working on another fusion project, one intended to bring together conjure, Thai sorcery, elemental and planetary magic for the purpose of making a takrut amulet of attraction in matters of love/ lust, enhancing personal charm, good luck, protection, and capable of boosting chances of success for reaching a desired goal. (Baphomet blessings) Takrut. A takrut is basically a spell inscribed in a sheet of metal material such a copper or brass (or in other cases of animal skin, paper, etc), they can be found in areas such as Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. I became familiar with this type of amulet through Thai sorcery and have a personal collection of them either custom pieces given to me by Ajarn Apichai, or others I’ve collected.  Taking all I’ve learned while working with them, I began getting inspired and began constructing the bones of what would become the next fusion of my work. (Personal takrut.) Ideas began flowing after sitting down with my

Symbols designs and meanings. Programming magic under the skin.

 I wanted to take the time to explain some of the symbols mixed with yants you find in the tattoo designs and magical workings I offer. As mentioned in previous articles, the addition of the yants being utilized by me in magical workings and tattoo pieces, have been provided and given permission of usage by Ajarn Apichai who is my direct teacher in Thai sorcery. Without his teachings or approval, I wouldn’t go out of my way to work with these on my own accord, as they are only passed down from teacher to student. The other designs you find within my work are types of sigils provided to me by the assistance of spirits after undergoing a period of inspiration, meditation and sleep deprivation while studying biblical texts and psalms for different purposes.  It was during this period of meditation that symbols began flowing to my mind’s eye to arrange into sigil form, scribbling on paper the visions I had, I began cleaning up the symbols after divining over them, confirming the final prod

Ceremonial tattoos and events.

  It's been some time since I last touched on the subject of ceremonial tattooing with Dance of ink and blood on a field of flesh , so I figured I should revisit it as two flash events are to take place during the month of October, but we will get back to that part later. Ceremonial tattooing. Because of the recent changes switching from one tattoo studio to another, I had placed this service on hold meanwhile those changes took place. Because these types of tattooing undergoes a process of steps which cannot be shared with a regular studio space, most of these tattoos are offered in my office and by appointment only, which is now open for bookings for consultation of spell work and ceremonial tattooing Recently I had the chance to tattoo a fellow tattooist who had inquired about a conjured tattoo, So I took the opportunity to have this documented and photographed to show snippets of this ceremony (with permission of course). Most of the process involves conjurations of ancestral p

Enchanted necklace/ El collar encantado.

  Enchanted necklaces done at Manticore's Den. Not just a nice piece of jewelry for the amulet attached to it, the necklace is a tool inspired collectively from personal experiences in multiple practices over the years.  Necklaces and blessed jewelry can be found in many practices across the world, the ways of working and meanings of them might be differ depending on the practice, culture, lineages, or sorcerer who crafted them. In my own personal practice years back, I had made necklaces for different amulets I had connected to and worked with including my rooster/spider coin, I began crafting these pieces as a way to connect with these amulets, after some time of working with a specific spirit, I was directed to consecrate the necklaces through a series of rituals to further extend the possibilities of use and utilize the necklaces in such a way that helped focus energy channeled during spell work, like a mini-casting circle around candles, lamps or other type of spell work I was